[Zope] converting characters randomly in edit mode

Florent Guillaume fg@nuxeo.com
21 Dec 2001 14:58:39 GMT

It looks like some browser problem. What browser ? Also do you 
have an explicit/automatic "charset encoding" or something like that ?


Jerry McRae  <jerry@usd1.com> wrote:
> Hi Zopeople,
> When editing DTML methods, every so often, maybe on the tenth edit, it
> replaces HTMP characters to their HTML code, as in converting a < to
> &lt; and the " to &quote;.  It only does this on a few of the
> characters, but with big methods and no way to search in text boxes, it
> is hard to find.  Unfortunately, Undo doesn't seam to help.  Once I have
> the problem, Undoing just brings older version and scrambles them also!
> Has anyone seen this before?  or have aliens invaded my computer.
Florent Guillaume, Nuxeo (Paris, France)
+33 1 40 33 79 10  http://nuxeo.com  mailto:fg@nuxeo.com