OT: Re: [Zope] KDE's Konqueror
Bill Anderson
14 Feb 2001 09:59:20 -0700
On 14 Feb 2001 23:26:57 +0000, Anthony Baxter wrote:
> >>> "Geoffrey L. Wright" wrote
> > It is a pig, though. I have LinuxPPC running on a G4 450, and it does
> > really well there. But my primary development box at work is a PII
> > 350, and Mozilla on that box is frustratingly slow to start.
> I have to respond to this, because it's a pretty common complaint.
> Mozilla's not quite yet at version 0.8. If you look at the roadmap,
> now's when the optimisation type stuff starts getting done - most, if
> not all, of the feature work is now done. So I'd expect to see it
> get way faster, real soon. Whether Netscape should have based their
> 6.0 browser on the version they did is questionable - Mozilla's roadmap
> advises 0.9 for people who are wanting to base browsers on their code.
Yup. I've been using the daily builds, and the Feb13th build is quite
superlative. _*MUCH*_ faster than .7 even dreamed about. Although, there
is a problem with the back button in teh Zope Management Interface
(spits javasript errors to stdout, and just sits there).