[Zope] Another Zope in the wild - Anarchy Online

marc lindahl marc@bowery.com
Sun, 01 Jul 2001 23:00:02 -0400

> From: Bill Anderson <bill@libc.org>

> I am sure you did no tintend to slant the state of affairs by
> intentionally not mentioning the problems/bugs with IE, but just teh
> same, it is "fair" to include them as well.
> It is also fair to all of the browsers that some of the alleged bugs
> with them are not bugs, but simply differences in handling unclear, or
> vague parts of the various specifications.
> Just because browser X does it differently than browser Y, does not make
> it a bug.

True.  But if you read the HTML4 spec, XHTML, etc. and code a page following
that, and see what you get, what happens.  Are the W3C specs valid or not?
My limited experience shows me that the IE browsers do a better job of
rendering a moderately complicated page (like the CMF default template).

> Again, I have not made argument with CSS support, merely noted that CSS
> is not HTML. it is, indeed, a separate sepcification and standard.

But it is part of the HTML4 standard that CSS has to be supported, and all
the standards after (e.g. XHTML), right?