[Zope] Another Zope in the wild - Anarchy Online

Bill Anderson bill@libc.org
01 Jul 2001 20:22:33 -0600

On 01 Jul 2001 17:38:59 -0400, marc lindahl wrote:
> > From: Bill Anderson <bill@libc.org>
> > 
> > Actually, if you look at it, NS 4.x follows more standards. IE made it's
> > popularity by ignoring invalid HTML. The big, big, problem people have
> > with Netscape's handling of *HTML* is that it will quite often not
> > render incomplete table definitions. Just as it should be.
> The big problem I have with NS4 is that it doesn't not render complete table
> definitions, if they're nested too deeply.  And it does not deal with CSS
> correctly.

Yes, CSS support is terrible in NS4.x. Deeply nested tables are asking
for trouble anyway ;)

Of course, I could go into a litany on how MSIE screws up such things as
the box model, which NS/MOZ get right, and other things, but you get the
point I am sure.

> In fact, there are so many bugs with this browser, there are piles of
> websites dedicated to it (google returned 150,000 hits for 'netscape 4 bug
> list').  For example:

Do a seacrh on google.com for "IE Bugs" and you get 389,000 hits, and
for "IE bug list" and you only shrink it by 3000. The point? This is not
a useful tool for determining the accuracy of any given browser's HTML

Oh, yes I realized after writing the above that Iwas opening up to all
IE bugs, not just one browser. So, i went back and added the '5'. it
climbed to 'about 567.000'. Dropping the 4 of of your netscape search
returned 'about 297,000'.

> http://www.richinstyle.com/bugs/netscape4.html

most of the 'tips on this page apply equally well to IE. In fact, most
of these, if not all, apply to CSS, or at a minimum the use of Styles.

And of course, one would be remiss to not point out it's counterpart in
Which lists the numerous bugs in IE5/5.5 (ignoring for the moment IE3
and IE4).

And of course, Nestcae 6, which is found at the same site:

I am sure you did no tintend to slant the state of affairs by
intentionally not mentioning the problems/bugs with IE, but just teh
same, it is "fair" to include them as well.

It is also fair to all of the browsers that some of the alleged bugs
with them are not bugs, but simply differences in handling unclear, or
vague parts of the various specifications.

Just because browser X does it differently than browser Y, does not make
it a bug.

> http://www.wowwebdesigns.com/power_guides/worst_nightmare.php

> http://developer.netscape.com/support/bugs/known/css.html

Again, I have not made argument with CSS support, merely noted that CSS
is not HTML. it is, indeed, a separate sepcification and standard.

> > 
> > Other than that, it does have nasty issues with javascript. Though, in
> > fairness there are a lot of cross-browser libraries that handle most of
> > the differences.
> Can you provide some pointers for some good ones?

How abou thte best:

This one sets us up the bomb. ;)

It is very well done, and provides a nice API for building cross-browser
sites. it handles animations, layers, dynamic layers, has widgets, does
dragging, frames, floating layers, and more.  Contrary to some people's
uninformed opinions, a cross-platform library does not have to be huge,
and generally only needs downloaded the first time, after which the
browser stores it for future use (individiual reconfiguration the noted
exception to all such configurations).

DynAPI is more than just *a* tool for X-browser JS, it provides a rather
nice foundation of tools, in a reasonable size. This is the descendant
of DynDUO, for those who remember it. There is also DynaCore. at
http://www.dynamic-core.net which has much of the same functionality.

And, it is LGPL :)
