[Zope] PIL and JPG encoder.
Tom Cameron
Tue, 24 Jul 2001 17:55:48 +1000
Thanks for the help,
It turns out that when you compile the PIL library you need to edit the file
ImConfig.h to enable the handling of jpeg files.
As far as I can see this is mentioned nowhere in any of the documentation
for PIL and I only found it by many hours of searching and some chance.
Hopefully this message will help someone in the future.
=> -----Original Message-----
=> From: zope-admin@zope.org [mailto:zope-admin@zope.org]On Behalf Of
=> Dieter Maurer
=> Sent: Tuesday, 24 July 2001 7:15 AM
=> To: tom@mooball.com
=> Cc: zope@zope.org
=> Subject: Re: [Zope] PIL and JPG encoder.
=> Tom Cameron writes:
=> > File "PIL/Image.py", line 259, in _getencoder
=> > raise IOError, "encoder %s not available" % encoder_name
=> > IOError: encoder jpeg not available
=> > >>>
=> Look in "PIL/Image.py" near line 259 what it tries to get
=> the encoder.
=> Do it yourself in an interactive interpreter.
=> The exception will probably give you a hint towards the
=> actual problem.
=> Dieter
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