[Zope] I want to script in Python and not Zope-Python

Tres Seaver tseaver@palladion.com
Sun, 03 Jun 2001 12:54:37 -0400

tom smith <tom@othermedia.com> wrote:

> I'm a big fan of python AND zope, but I'm a little unclear about how the two
> really sit together.
>  Is there any way to let python scripts to have access to all the bits and
> bobs I've got going with python, like MySQL (or Tk even) rather than have to
> deal with python-in-zope.
> I basically just want to ..
> import urllib
> ...And don't want to muck about with external methods. I want FULL python
> power within zope.

Zope offers three levels of Python support:

  - Through-the-web code (DTML expressions, PythonScripts) have access to a
    restricted set of the Python library;  consider the potential for harm,
    for instance, in exposing the 'sys' or 'os' modules to untrusted users.

    You can selectively extend the modules exposed to TTW code 
    only in 2.3x;  all TTW code in 2.4) by "decorating" them with
    ModuleSecurityInformation assertions;  see the README in the 
    product for a how-to.

  - External methods have access to the full library, but can't create new
    persistent classes (because the pickling machinery won't be able to find

  - Filesystem-based Python produts are "da bomb";  they can do anything
    (including modify the set of modules visible to TTW code, perform hotfix
    patches to code in the Zope core, etc.).

Given your Pythonic bent, I recommend investigating the last option.

Tres Seaver                                tseaver@digicool.com
Digital Creations     "Zope Dealers"       http://www.zope.org