[Zope] python script turned into a dtml document

Luby Liao liao@sandiego.edu
Mon, 4 Jun 2001 13:56:16 -0700 (PDT)

Michael (and Chris), thank you very much for the enlightment.  cheers,

 > On 03 Jun 2001 17:42:51 -0700, Luby Liao wrote:
 > > 
 > > Just noticed that, after editing two python scripts in xemacs and
 > > saving them, they turned into dtml documents.  How do I prevent this
 > > from happening?  cheers, Luby 
 > quick fix: turn off backup files for EFS.
 > (setq efs-make-backup-files nil) in you .emacs file should do the trick.
 > long answer: whenever you save a fgile in an emacs session, emacs
 > renames the original file to filename.~<version>~ and creates the file
 > <filename>. Since Zope assumes that a newly created file is a DTML
 > document, all your files will be transformed into DTML Documents. 
 > Since there is no use for emacs version control in Zope (undo is part of
 > zope) and i only use EFS editing for Zope file this quick fix is okay
 > for me. The only correct thing to do is to make efs-make-backup-files
 > not only OS dependet, but also considere regexp'ing the FTP server name.
 > -- 
 > Michael Lausch
 > See my web page <http://www.lausch.at/> or query PGP key server for PGP
 > key.
 > "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away".
 >                 -- Philip K. Dick

> Just noticed that, after editing two python scripts in xemacs and
> saving them, they turned into dtml documents.  How do I prevent this
> from happening?  cheers, Luby 

Turn of the 'make a backup file' option.

