Zope docs (was Re: [Zope] I was wondfe)
Philippe Jadin
Sun, 10 Jun 2001 14:17:45 +0200
> > > I think folks need to start becoming more specific when
> > they say "Zope
> > > isn't well documented".
Let me add my own piece...
imho zope is quite well documented. I mean, if you need to find a function
name and it's use, you'll allways find it in a few minutes. If you need a
dtml reference, you'll find it. If you need to learn python, well, buy a
book / see the online site.
Even the zope api is not poorly documented. (just tried docfinder of
Dieter - it's a great tool)
The feeling of people when they say zope is not well documented is probably
not because there is lack of "traditional" documentation.
What is really needed is implementations examples of canonical problems.
imho the most usefull parts of the zope book is the simple guestbook, the
file librairy, etc...
The same will go for the next chapters of dieter's book (current
implementation of a complex website)
All we (newbies) need is opensourced implementations of sites (an automated
faq, an e-commerce site, a news page, a thumbnail gallery, a guestbook, a
forum, etc...) I know those exists as products, but when you are able to
write products, you don't need this intermediate level of knowledge. and if
the product doesn't suit your needs, it's hard to customize it.
The "see source" feature of some zope sites is a great start. It could be
even better if they allowed you to donwload their sources... (maybe some
allow this?)
In one word : no real work needed from DC (beside some finer classification
of things), most intermediate docs could come from sources of existing
implementations. Experienced zope webmasters, I (an probably some other
newbie) need your knowledge!
And I know this is the role of how to's. They are a great source of help by
the way.
All is fine then ? Almost ;-)
My 0.02