[Zope] Starting zope automatically on Linux Mandrake 8.0
Chad Crawley
Tue, 12 Jun 2001 10:46:50 -0500
If you are still using my startup script, then you can edit the script
and replace the header of the startup file with the following comment or
download a revised version from http://sidhe.yi.org/chad/misc/zope .
# zope Zope web-application server.
# chkconfig: 345 85 15
# description: Zope web-application server.
# processname: zope
# pidfile: /var/run/zope.pid
Chad Crawley
On Tue, Jun 12, 2001 at 08:07:26AM -0800, Karl Munroe wrote:
> I tried to use chkconfig to add the zope service but got the following
> replies
> chkconfig --add zope :
> service zope does not support chkconfig
> chkconfig --level 345 zope on
> service zope does not support chkconfig
> the details of my zope install are :
> Unpacked from binay distrubution to /var/zope
> script zope in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ that I can use to start zope like so:
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/zope start
> Thanks in advance for you help
> Karl Munroe