[Zope] User home directories

Joel Burton jburton@scw.org
Wed, 28 Feb 2001 19:46:35 -0500 (EST)

On Wed, 28 Feb 2001, Phil Harris wrote:

> I apologize if I'm wrong here, but I'm not sure you understood the 
> suggestion 
> correctly.

Well, I did and I didn't :-)

> This is accomplished by the API call:
> manage_addLocalRoles(userid, roles, [REQUEST]) 
>   Set local roles for a user
> This is taken from the excellent Zope Quick Reference (which sadly is 
> slightly out of date, but still a good reference).
> So the basic logic is:
> 1.	Create user
> 2.	Create home folder
> 3.	manage_addLocalRoles onto the new folder.
> and not a Manager in site ;)

What I didn't consider what handling the role stuff via a script (like an
add script for the home user folder class.) This would make the
assignation of this-person-gets-this-role less tedious. (Lots of users.)

> > I was hoping to take the Owner route b/c I'd have to set up the local role
> > of Mgr for *each* folder for each person (I don't want Jim to manage
> > Jeff's folder), whereas with the Owner schema I can (should be able
> > to?) simple assign for the enclosing /home folder that Owners have certain
> > rights, and as the folders get created, they get those rights.

I still feel that having them inherit rights as being the owner of the
folder is a 'cleaner' way of doing this, though, (if only it would
work. :-) )

If I don't figure out/get some help on the direct-Owner path, I probably
will go w/the local role assigned by addScript method.

Thanks for the clarification of your help,

Joel Burton   <jburton@scw.org>
Director of Information Systems, Support Center of Washington