[Zope] Z SQL Method multiple column update

Donald Braman donald.braman@yale.edu
Thu, 1 Mar 2001 16:27:13 -0500

Thanks for the directions, knowing where and what to look for is really half
the battle. I did do a search, but I only came up with this thread
(http://classic.zope.org/pipermail/zope/2000-June/026840.html) which wasn't
so good for me. Now that I know what to look for and where to look, I'm very
happy! :-) Don

-----Original Message-----
From: Dieter Maurer [mailto:dieter@handshake.de]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 3:08 PM
To: donald.braman@yale.edu
Cc: zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: [Zope] Z SQL Method multiple column update

Donald Braman writes:
 > I'm setting up a data entry/data update form for legal cases. Each case
 > a few documents associated with it. The person entering data enters the
 > number of documents, a script creates necessary records, then presents
 > with a screen that should look a bit like this, with every datum being
 > updateable:
 >  doc |title           |source      | pages   | ...
 > +----+----------------+------------+---------+
 > | 01 |title of doc 1  |doc1 source | # of pgs| ...
 > +----+----------------+------------+---------+
 > | 02 |title of doc 2  |doc2 source | # of pgs| ...
 > +----+----------------+------------+---------+
 > | 03 |title of doc 3  |doc3 source | # of pgs| ...
 > +----+----------------+------------+---------+
 > ....etc.
 > This is so they can enter data about many documents on a single screen.
 > not sure how to bind multiple rows/records to a single Z SQL Method. Any
 > suggestions?
The magic lies in the ":records" form variable suffix.

You can look at the ZPublisher section in


to find out more.

Alternatively, there is a HowTo on FormVariable suffixes on Zope.org.

Finally, a search in the (searchable) list archive will
show you various posts about this question (very recently).
