Try this devel version, was: Re: [Zope] [zshell] ANN: 0.5 with wildcard expansion
Jason Cunliffe
Wed, 9 May 2001 10:34:40 -0400
From: "Jerome Alet" <>
> > > It happens the same to me.
> > > I'm running Zope 2.3.2 from source on Red Hat 7.1 and Python 1.5.2.
> > Same for me:
> > Zope 2.3.2 from source, SuSE 6.4 and Python 1.5.2 jaxml-2.22
> When you say it "HANGS", what is hanging ? Is it Zope which completely
> stops to answer your queries (Zope dies) ?
Zope does not die.. but the broswer never rueturns anyhting, like it is
looking for a page forever..
I can continue working with Zope.
I can close the window which had the zshell html annd bring it up again.
somethign is not 'reaching' the browser.
> Does the zshell redisplays itself when you click on "Run" but does
> nothing ?
RUN is broken. The browser indicats it is trying to redraw but it never
This is true for NS 4.5 and IE 5.5 on Win98se
> What command did you try ? As which user were you running zshell ?
None of the commands work.
Running as user with full manager role.
Is ther some other permsission needs to be set for the zhsell method?
> Please everyone try to describe the problem the more precisely possible,
> because I can't reproduce it ?
> And BTW, does the attached version solves the problem ?
> The attached document is a 0.6beta1 version gzipped, replace the
> one you've already with this one and test again.
Thanks will try again.
Meanwhile have been reading throght the previous code better to understand.
What may be wrong.
I suspect 2 things:
1. jaxml
Fierst I tested from outside zope:
[jasonic@colocate05 jasonic]$ python
Python 1.5.2 (#1, Feb 1 2000, 16:32:16) [GCC egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux
(egcs- on linux-i386
Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam
>>> import jaxml
>>> jaxml.__version__
>>> x = jaxml.XML_document()
>>> x.sometag(what="testing")
>>> x.anestedtag(name="nested")
>>> x._text("Waiting for Godot")
>>> x
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<sometag what="testing">
<anestedtag name="nested">
Waiting for Godot
I then wrote a simple External Method:
import jaxml
versionstring = jaxml.__version__
return versionstring
calling this from Zope returns:
jaxml version2.22
ok so far so good
Then I extended to include the same trivial jaxml tag test
import jaxml
import string
def testjaxml(self):
versionstring = "jaxml version" + jaxml.__version__
x =jaxml.XML_document()
x._text("Waiting for Godot")
return x
This time it breaks:
Error Type: SyntaxError
Error Value: invalid syntax
Traceback (innermost last):
File /web/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 223, in
File /web/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 187, in publish
File /web/Zope/lib/python/Zope/, line 221, in
(Object: testjaxml)
File /web/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 171, in publish
File /web/Zope-2.3.1-src/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 160, in
(Object: manage_edit)
File /web/Zope/lib/python/ZPublisher/, line 112, in call_object
(Object: manage_edit)
line 202, in manage_edit
(Object: testjaxml)
line 209, in getFunction
(Object: testjaxml)
File /web/Zope/lib/python/App/, line 217, in getObject
(Info: ('/web/Zope/Extensions/', 'testjaxml'))
SyntaxError: (see above)
Either I am doign somthing nicreduibly basic and dumb or jaxml2.22 is not
very Zope freindly yet on this system. Not thta in the above Zoperror
message the path changes from /web/Zope/.. to /web/Zope-2.3.1-src/.. This is
becuae when I installed Zope I renamed the folder. Everythign else appears
to work ok, but sometimes I get errors like that still. Maybe I shoudl so a
nother fresh install
Jerome, please can you post a simple working standa-alone jaxml External
Method test file.
2. redirect problems
I am using Zope 2.3.2 on Redhat6.2 behind Apache Proxy/ProxyReverse
directives and SiteAcces/SiteRoot
Pehaps these are compounding the above problems.
I tried unsuccesffully to do a simple zshell install here on Windows last
night. I want to test without Apache in the picture, aso because I like to
wiorj with same Zope sintallation local and remote. Will try again today. I
had probems getting the right version of jaxml to be seeen by zope. This is
becuase I have multiple Zopes & Pythons on my Win98se laptop, and still
don't understand how to use distutils to get a package correctly installed
inside of given version of Zope.
In other words I have previuously been using upgraded versions of jaxml from
IDLE and Pythonwin shells fine. How the hell to do I install jaxml2.22 in
zope so its own Python will use that version? I put the jaxml folder in
various places lib/python and lib/python/Products. I added an
thasks for all your work. wil try now with new zshell-0.6b1, but jaxml
connection problems still need to be resolved.
Jason CUNLIFFE = NOMADICS['Interactive Art and Technology']