[Zope] getPhysicalPath of a DTML Method?
Thu, 10 May 2001 01:08:12 +0800
Acquisition is a very good feature.
But it's hard for me to find out which DTML Method
is on working. After several levels of inheritance by subclass
from parent ZClasses. Some methods of the same name were
created in different level. Then it becomes to be hard
to know which one was called. Frankly, I just spent lots
of time to figure out one of the "ghost method"
which is of "old" content should be deleted before.
Can someone give me a hint? How to "getPhysicalPath" of
a DTML Method?
1. The "method.this().absolute_url(1)" work-around dosen't
work for me.
2. The "_.hasattr(aq_explicit,'method')" returns 1, but
(in an external method)
self._delOb('method') raises "NotFound" exception.