[Zope] Z SQL method results from a python script

H.de.Wit@SFK.NL H.de.Wit@SFK.NL
Fri, 18 May 2001 09:30:52 +0200

>results = context.employ_data(month=month, year=year)
>for result in results:
>    return result.sum_hour, result.sum_total, result.division

>This returns only one record -- the first record in the result set.   I
need the
>entire result set.

My eurocents:
return stops the current script and returns immediately.
The for loop loops over all records.
Att the first record it sees a return and the script stops.
I am not a python expert and i didn't test it, but may be you could try
something like this:

To make it work you need to change your SQL method,
returning only the columns you need.

To be honest i couldn't make i working the way you want it.
I would say this should work (but it wasn't):

for object in context.employ_data(month=month, year=year):
   result=[object.sum_hour, object.sum_total, object.division]
return newresults

That was the best i have for you, sorry

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Hans de Wit
Stichting Farmaceutische Kengetallen
Postbus 30460
Tel. 070-3737448
Fax 070-3737445

                    hiauto.com                  To:     zope@zope.org                              
                    Sent by:                    cc:                                                
                    zope-admin@zope.org         Fax to:                                            
                                                Subject:     [Zope] Z SQL method results from a    
                                                python script                                      
                    05/18/01 02:44 AM                                                              

I have a Z SQL method named "employ_data" as below:

          SELECT SUM(employ_hour) AS sum_hour,
SUM(employ_salary+employ_hour) AS
sum_total, division
                          WHERE employ_record.month=<dtml-sqlvar month
                          AND employ_record.year=<dtml-sqlvar year
                         GROUP BY division

This method has been tested and returns multiple rows in the result set
correctly with input for month, year.

I want to use this method in a python script but can't for the life of me
get it
to return the entire result set.

Python script:

           results = context.employ_data(month=month, year=year)

           for result in results:
                        return result.sum_hour, result.sum_total,

This returns only one record -- the first record in the result set.   I
need the
entire result set.

Am I misusing this or have incorrect script?


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