A reply to myself (Re: [Zope] SPAM! (was Zope Survey))

Shane Hathaway shane@digicool.com
Fri, 18 May 2001 09:53:25 -0400

Chris Withers wrote:
> Anyway, the crux of the matter is this. I really like DC and I really think
> they're doing a great job with Zope. That email didn't fit with the impression I
> have got from DC over the past couple of years which suprised me. A lot. So
> much, in fact, that I wrote that mail this morning. I apologise for the tone and
> wording, and I hope the unsolicited mail was a one off.

We've all let a slightly nasty email slip before, I think.  The hard
thing is to apologize publicly, so you're showing strong character to
say this.

Now, I agree the community hasn't had much introduction to Brian.  Brian
has specifically welcomed everyone at DC to send him an email or two to
get to know him, and I'm sure he would extend the same invitation to the
community.  In fact, with the survey he was trying to solicit feedback. 
Please send him an e-mail, introducing yourself and asking your
