A reply to myself (Re: [Zope] SPAM! (was Zope Survey))
ethan mindlace fremen
Fri, 18 May 2001 14:12:47 -0400
--On Friday, May 18, 2001 14:07:47 +0100 Chris Withers <chrisw@nipltd.com>
> 1. I _would_ like to know where DC got those email addresses from, and
> why they chose to email that group of people. (the first part of which I
> think I'm entitled to under the UK's Data Protection Act)
Hi, chris. As this part was pretty much me, I can answer it: I used a
script to loop through the publicly availiable archives and build a list of
people who had sent mail to the zope lists. There was (i think) some
culling past that point, but I know that my script wasn't that bright, so
we probably sent out some emails where I could have caught the redundancy.
As far as I know, the reasons we sent the email out as a batch as opposed
to posting to the lists are:
o unique key per survey-
ballot-box stuffing issue.
o greater statistical validity-
the response rate and self selection is less biased.
o catch users that have sense unsubbed-
surely we need to ask these people how to improve zope :)
spam-spam-spam-spam-bacon-and-spam-ly yours,
ethan mindlace fremen
zopatista community liason