[Zope] Getting email fields right

Bruce Eckel Bruce@EckelObjects.com
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 14:07:03 -0800

I'm using the MailHost to send email from within an external
method. I've tried a number of different combinations, including
something as elaborate as this:

self.MailHost.send("This is a test", # Body
    "To: Bruce Eckel <Bruce@EckelObjects.com>", 
    "From: Bruce Eckel <Bruce@EckelObjects.com>",  
     "Test Email") # Subject

However, I can't seem to get the "to" and "from" fields to show up
right in the resulting email. All I end up with is a 'to' field of
and an empty 'from' field.

I suspect others have done this before and solved the problem. Or
will want to :-)

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