[Zope] Anybody can help me....
Nuno Queirós
Tue, 4 Sep 2001 12:06:27 +0100
Thanks for everybody who helped me.
I've just resolved my problem with the driver ODBC.
For resolved my the problem, I did what Zanotti Michele tell me.
Thanks, again.
Best regards,
Nuno Queirós
-----Original Message-----
From: Zanotti Michele [mailto:Zanotti@apss.tn.it]
Sent: terça-feira, 4 de Setembro de 2001 11:00
To: Nuno Queirós
Subject: R: [Zope] Anybody can help me....
Now I have Zope 2.3, but I have tested ZODBCDA with Zope 2.4 on win32k and,
if I remember well, it worked. If you have Zope 2.4, have you installed
sql.pyd for Python 2.1?You find it at
-----Messaggio originale-----
Da: Nuno Queirós [mailto:nuno.queiros@casinos-estorilpovoa.com]
Inviato: martedì 4 settembre 2001 11.24
A: zope@zope.org
Oggetto: [Zope] Anybody can help me....
I´ve been worked with zope only 1 month. In this moment I´ve a little
I want to work with ODBC driver, but I can't do this.
When I install the driver "ZODBCDA-3.1.0b2-win32-x86.tgz" and after I run
the Zope again, I have one message of error on my display like this:"The
python15.dll isn't in the right place or doesn't exist".
I was to the net and I did the download of the python15.dll.
When I restart, my PC crashed. The CPU was at 100% and the problem was with
the python15.dll.
My S.O. is Windows 2K.
My question is:
How I can resolve my problem?
Anybody can help me????..........thanks.
Nuno Queirós
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