[Zope] MySQL or PostGres

Cees de Groot cg@cdegroot.com
4 Sep 2001 16:54:00 +0200

Mitch Pirtle <mitchy@spacemonkeylabs.com> said:
>BUT, if you need speed, speed speed and
>don't need all the bells and whistles, MySQL simply cannot be beat.  I
>have seen db-driven wesites with 10+ million visitors daily run on
>MySQL, and I am fairly certain that the same setup on PostgreSQL would
>require a few more boxen -;^>=
Well, it seems that SourceForge went from mySQL to PostgreSQL because the
latter held better under high loads, and that PostgreSQL 7.1 beats mySQL hands
down even under light load. 

Personally, I like PostgreSQL better because of the better concurrency and it
feels more like a RDBMS should feel, with all them bells and whistles. I don't
like the fact that a standard 'create table' under mySQL leaves you
transactionless, either. That'll probably change, it's one big rat race
between the two. Flip a coin and stick with it. 

OTOH, for my latest software I dropped PostgreSQL in favor of an object
database (and Python for Smalltalk). YMMV. Film at 11.

Cees de Groot               http://www.cdegroot.com     <cg@cdegroot.com>
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