[Zope] LoginManager Problem

Mike Groves Mike.Groves@polymerlabs.com
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 17:07:16 +0100

I have a python script that validates users. I made a small change in the
script causing it to fail -- I thought I was working on a function that
wasn't called by my userAuthenticate, only by my test script. It's been a
long time since I last looked at my authentication code!

Then I found out that my IT dept has been having problems with backups this
week, so we didn't have a recent backup!

As far as hacking the data.fs file, I opened it in emacs and searched for
the offending line of code. It seems as though the most recent versions of
files are stored towards the end of data.fs. I made the required change,
being careful not to change the size of data.fs.

Restarted Zope, logged in, and fixed the problem properly!


-----Original Message-----
From: Jan-Frode Myklebust [mailto:janfrode@parallab.uib.no]
Sent: 14 September 2001 15:28
To: Mike Groves
Cc: 'zope@zope.org'
Subject: Re: [Zope] LoginManager Problem

> Panic Over !

For this time...

> I've hacked the data.fs file with a binary text editor and made a small
> modification to userAuthenticate which allowed me to log in !!

Could you please explain exactly how you did it?
What change you did?

  -jf (not looking forward to doing the same mistake)

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