[Zope] regex in 2.4.0

Simon Brunning SBrunning@trisystems.co.uk
Fri, 21 Sep 2001 13:43:12 +0100

> From:	Andreas Jung [SMTP:andreas@zope.com]
> it just tells you that you are using a product that uses the old ts_regex
> module.
> This module will perhaps go away in the future when the Python regex
> module
> goes to coders heaven.
I believe that Gadfly still uses regex, so perhaps this is where the
warnings are coming from.

Sooner or later, regex will go away altogether - that's what the warnings
are for. At that point, Gadfly will stop working. So, Gadfly should really
be fixed.

Hmmm, perhaps that's a project for me...

Simon Brunning
TriSystems Ltd.

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