[Zope] Displaying external content (ala inline frames)

Matt Gregory matthew.gregory@skyleach.com
Mon, 1 Apr 2002 12:55:36 -0500

I wrote a library for doing this inside of JSPs (Servlet Container
independant) and pulling content from Zope, PHP, CGI or anything else with
an external HTTP connection.

I'm sure that it wouldn't be that hard to use Python to duplicate it.  Just
open an HTTP connection to the target and pull the content in as a file.

----- Original Message -----
From: "JP Glutting" <John-Paul_Glutting@dfci.harvard.edu>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Monday, April 01, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: [Zope] Displaying external content (ala inline frames)

> Hi All,
> Does anyone know of a product for dsplaying external content in Zope? I
> am thinking of specifically something like an inline frame, where the
> document would show up (stripped of headers) inserted into a DTML
> Document / Method. I am getting ready to write one myself (I have some
> content on two different servers, and need to keep some specific parts
> of it on (cgi) a server with more power, but I want to keep it under the
> same URL). Right now I am using Frames, but I am not happy with that
> solution.
> Does anyone know of such a beast?
> Thanks,
> JP
> --
> JP Glutting, MPH                              Ph: 617-632-3824
> Bioinformatics                                Fx: 617-632-3351
> Department of Cancer Immunology and AIDS      44 Binney Street
> Dana-Farber Cancer Institute                  D1510A
> Email: John-Paul_Glutting@dfci.harvard.edu    Boston, MA 02115
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