[Zope] Zope critique (was Re: CBSNewYork.com using ZUBB!?!)

Bill Anderson bill@libc.org
06 Apr 2002 10:39:49 -0700

On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 16:48, Derek Simkowiak wrote:
> 	Of course, this small project didn't have a budget for Zope Corp.  
> Perhaps that is the key?  If you have a big project that can afford Zope
> Corp.'s expertise, Zope is a great solution; but if you need to build it
> in-house, then expect to spend lots of time surfing the Zope source code
> (?).

Or other Zope Consultants.

Bill Anderson
Linux in Boise Club                  http://www.libc.org
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