[Zope] WedDAV: WriteLocks with MS-Office
Andreas Jung
Andreas Jung" <andreas@zope.com
Tue, 30 Apr 2002 11:36:16 -0400
Ensure you are using the latest 2.4.X or 2.5.X version of Zope.
They contain workarounds for some related problems with WebDAV
and Office (Office 2K should work). Some people reported
similiar problems with Office 2002. As these problems are caused
by a non-standard WebDAV implementation it is very hard to solve
this particular problem.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Zanotti Michele" <zanotti.m@apss.tn.it>
To: <zope@zope.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2002 11:34
Subject: R: [Zope] WedDAV: WriteLocks with MS-Office
> Hi all
> I have made some tests with webfolder (win2k and officeXP), perhaps anyone
> can understand the results...If I open a word doc in a webfolder, I must
> wait 30-40 minutes before I can reopen it in write-mode.
> But if I have two web-folder, A and B, that point to the same Zope Folder
> with the document d.doc, and I open/modify/close d.doc from A, then, if I
> reopen d.doc from A, it is read-only, but if I open d.doc from B, it is in
> write-mode. After 10 minutes, if I reopen d.doc from A, it is in
> and so on...
> This is very strange for me.
> Michele
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