[Zope] My Way of Zope Programming

Chris McDonough chrism@zope.com
Thu, 8 Aug 2002 13:00:35 -0400

> > What do you think about it?
> I'm a relative newcomer to Zope myself, so I don't have much
> experience to base any comments upon.  I would like to say that
what Zope
> seems to be missing is the interactive nature of Python.  When
learning ZPT
> recently, I had a devil of a time trying to debug it.  I would
like to know
> the equivalent of the Python "fire up the interactive interpreter
prompt and
> start playing around" drill for Zope.

cd yourzope/lib/python
>>> import Zope
>>> app = Zope.app()
>>> app.objectIds()
['standard_html_header', 'Examples', ...]

> Also, what about testing?  How do you layer and modularize things
> so that you can follow the test driven coding approach of XP with

See any "tests" package inside of most directories in Zope.  Also
read UNITTEST.txt in the doc directory.