[Zope] Linux am me ;-) [OT]
Bo M. Maryniuck
Sat, 10 Aug 2002 17:53:11 +0200
On Saturday 10 August 2002 17:10, Chris Withers wrote:
> I love Linux in a server environment. I'd like it on the desktop too bu=
> 1. no-one has shown me a decent window manager that is as usable and
> crashes as little as Windows 2000
- Konqueror (no crashes since KDE 3.0)
- Krusader (Windows Commander clone)
- MC
- bash -- the best and the stablest. ;-)
> 2. customers use windows, therefore I use windows.=20
Customers use <TheyFavoriteOS type=3DanyOs/>, therefore I use Linux.
> I even run IE occasionally ;-)=20
Me too for several testings of web-app, using "rdesktop" command for Win2=
> Ironically, I'm currently trying to get my testrunner working on Linux,=
> it seems that even more Zope tests fail there. :-(
I can't properly understand you here. Are you talking about unittest for =
Sincerely yours, Bogdan M. Maryniuck
'Mounten' wird fuer drei Dinge benutzt: 'Aufsitzen' auf Pferde, 'einklink=
von Festplatten in Dateisysteme, und, nun, 'besteigen' beim Sex.
(Christa Keil in a German posting: "Mounting is used for three things:
climbing on a horse, linking in a hard disk unit in data systems, and, we=
mounting during sex".)