[Zope] Add File much slower than FTP, by at least 20 times
David Elfstrom
Mon, 19 Aug 2002 16:16:34 -0400
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I did some timing of a 1.5MB PDF file to two installs of Zope, one on a
local desktop and one on a remote site over a network.
Situation A:
Zope 2.5.1/Windows on Windows 2000, locally
Browsers: Mozilla & IE6 on Windows
Situation B:
Zope 2.5.1/Solaris on a remote Solaris 2.6 box over a 10Mbit connection
Browsers: Mozilla & IE6 on Windows
If I FTP to the zope server on port 8021, I can put the 1.5MB file in Zope
very quickly.
Situation A: 0.8 seconds (approx)
Situation B: 1.5 seconds
But if I use the "Add" button from the management interface, using either
Mozilla or IE6, it takes the following times:
Situation A: 35 seconds
Situation B: 2 minutes 30 seconds.
Remember, this is only a 1.5MB file, transferred locally!
How could we speed up uploads when initiated through the web? Where is the
bottleneck occurring -- is it in the HTTP transfer?
David Elfstrom, P.Eng elfstrom@sten.sunnybrook.utoronto.ca
Systems Engineer, Research Computing
Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Sciences Centre
Rm#S6-20, 2075 Bayview Avenue, Toronto, Canada M4N 3M5
phone: 416-480-6100 x3416 fax: 416-480-5714
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