CPU Affinity, was RE: [Zope] Linux vs. UNIX vs. BSD
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 07:35:33 -0700
Hey Matt, while we are on the subject, I just wanted to make sure I had
something right (and figured you might know):
I know that affinity helps a single Zope instance on an SMP box, but how
about 2? With Python's global interpreter lock (or whatever makes
Python/Zope best suited to bind to a given CPU) - am I still going to run
into problems if I am using the same Python to run 2 Zope instances in
different software/instance homes, with all respective processes for each
given Zope bound (via affinity) to respective CPUs? Or is this okay? I
have some existing 2P AthlonMP and Xeon boxes, and I'd like to get the most
zoom out of their horsepower as possible...
Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
-----Original Message-----
From: Matthew T. Kromer [mailto:matt@zope.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 21, 2002 6:48 AM
To: zope@zope.org
Subject: Re: CPU Affinity, was RE: [Zope] Linux vs. UNIX vs. BSD
Tim Hoffman wrote:
>Thats what Solaris is for ;-) Processor affinity, processor sets, fair
>share scheduler etc....
The downside of Solaris is that Python executes more or less at the same
speed on all CPUs, primarily determined by clock speed. Thus, a 2 Ghz
Pentium IV or Athlon blows away expensive SPARC CPUs for running Zope.
Matt Kromer
Zope Corporation http://www.zope.com/
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