CPU Affinity, was RE: [Zope] Linux vs. UNIX vs. BSD
Matthew T. Kromer
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 10:55:06 -0400
sean.upton@uniontrib.com wrote:
>Hey Matt, while we are on the subject, I just wanted to make sure I had
>something right (and figured you might know):
>I know that affinity helps a single Zope instance on an SMP box, but how
>about 2? With Python's global interpreter lock (or whatever makes
>Python/Zope best suited to bind to a given CPU) - am I still going to run
>into problems if I am using the same Python to run 2 Zope instances in
>different software/instance homes, with all respective processes for each
>given Zope bound (via affinity) to respective CPUs? Or is this okay? I
>have some existing 2P AthlonMP and Xeon boxes, and I'd like to get the most
>zoom out of their horsepower as possible...
>Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
As long as *each* Python process (and thus each GIL) is processor bound,
you'll be OK. Any python that isnt pbound (on Solaris) or have its
processor dispatch mask set (on Linux) on a multiprocessor machine will
end up slowing down when the machine is partially idle.
A machine that's going full-throttle isn't as bad, curiously enough --
because the other CPU's are busy doing real work, the GIL doesn't have
as much opportunity to get shuffled between CPUs. On a MP box it's very
important to set sys.setcheckinterval() up to a fairly large number, I
recommend pystones / 50 or so. You can make the number higher still
without much concern.
There ought to be a practical upper limit for sys.setcheckinterval()
(because eventually you'll enter a routine that yeilds the lock anyway)
but I dont know what that is. I want to say the minimum bytecode path
thru Zope is about 24,000 bytecodes, but that's just a WAG -- but that
would represent the "insanely high" outer bound for sys.setcheckinterval().
Why mention the check interval? On a busy enough system, increasing
sys.setcheckinterval() decreases the amount the GIL is released, and as
such, helps so that you can run more than one Zope on a multiprocessor
machine *without* processor binding.
I found, when I did tests about 2 years ago (wow, long time ago!) that I
got diminishing returns above pystones/50, but below that I got good
results. You may discover that you can get performance close enough to
processor binding that you chose not to bind.
Matt Kromer
Zope Corporation http://www.zope.com/