[Zope] Can I get the Find tab to work more like grep?

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Sun, 8 Dec 2002 19:14:13 -0600

    Tino> You should simply catalog all your Objects into ZCatalog.

Okay, so I created a ZCatalog.  While it seems a bit dated, I was able to
fumble around and create a Z Search Interface using the tutorial at


(I found no clues whatsoever in the ZCatalog online Help! that suggested I'd
need to create a Z Search Interface.)

Unfortunately, after creating the Z Search Interface (named search), it
seems all I wind up with is just a faster Find.  If I view my search page,
it asks me for Id, Path, Title, PrincipiaSearchSource, Meta type and
Bobobase modification time.  I entered "return" in the PrincipiaSearchSource
field and poke the submit button. The page that retured held a table listing
20 object names and various attributes they had.  Still no grep-like output,
which is what I was looking for.  I want to actually see the lines that
matched.  Is that not possible with a stock Zope 2.5.1?  IOW, do I have to
coax the server admin to install TextIndexNG?

I just want to be able to search my own source code.  It seems the easiest
thing to do is to ftpmirror the entire site and just use grep.

Skip Montanaro - skip@pobox.com