[Zope] My Zope is leaking memory ... Still no luck. (PythonScript bug)
Passin, Tom
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 14:21:31 -0500
[ Jean-Francois.Doyon]
> I am confused about the following statements though:
> "DO use REQUEST.set and REQUEST.__setitem__ sparingly."
> "DONT stuff things that are acquisition-wrapped into REQUEST=20
> or into a session, or into any other object that is transient."
I asked about that a while ago. The answer, from Chris McDonough as I
recall, is that the REQUEST object gets handled and referenced so many
places inside Zope that it would probably be impossible to be sure that
any property assignments you added would really get released, thus
preventing garbage collection. No problem for a few REQUESTS with no
added properties, but possibly a problem for code that adds and handles
a lot of REQUESTS that have a lot of extra properties set.
Tom P