[Zope] Fwd: Help with Prototype and CMF
Tue, 24 Dec 2002 13:23:23 -0600
I have worked through the prototype in "The Zope Bible" and have run into trouble while creating my first "real" application=2E I am working on a web based product to aid volunteer fire departments manage their administrative work=2E I have based my class "Departments" on the "Entry" Classi n the AddressBook prototype and can add and delete departments as expected (getting them to list to the screen)=2E My problem is that when I "click" a department, instead of getting the expected departmentDetails screen, I get an error saying the Departmetns has an empty or missing Doc string=
Here is my "Department" Class, with many fields deleted for brevity=2E=2E=2E
-- Begin Code --
from Globals import Persistent, DTMLFile
from Acquisition import Implicit
from OFS=2ESimpleItem import Item
class Department(Item, Persistent, Implicit):
"Arfs Department Entry"
meta_type=3D"Arfs Department"
def __init__(self, fdid, department_name=3D''):
=09"Init Method"
=09self=2EeditDepartment(fdid, department_name)
def editDepartment(self,
fdid =3D '', # FDID
=09=09 department_name =3D '', # Name
=2E=2E=2E fields deleted for brevity=2E=2E=2E
=09=09 REQUEST =3D None):
"A Method for Editing Arfs Department Entried"
=09self=2Efdid =3D fdid
self=2Edepartment_name =3D department_name
=2E=2E=2E fields deleted for brevity =2E=2E=2E
=09if REQUEST is not None:
=09 return self=2EeditDepartmentForm(self, REQUEST)
# Web Presentation Methods
editEntryForm =3D DTMLFile("dtml/editDepartmentForm", globals())
index_html =3D DTMLFile("dtml/departmentDetails", globals())
--- End Code ---
Here is 'dtml/departmentDetails'=2E=2E=2E
--- Start Code ---
<dtml-var standard_arfs_header>
<form action=3D"=2E/editEntryForm" method=3D"post">
<input type=3Dsubmit value=3D'Edit Department'>
<h1><dtml-var department_name></h1>
<table border=3D0 cellspacing=3D0 cellpadding=3D5>
<dtml-if fdid>
<td><dtml-var fdid</td>
<th>Department Name:</th>
<td><dtml-var department_name></td>
<dtml-var standard_arfs_footer>
--- End Code ---
I think the problem may me in the way I am adding the departments to the application=2E In the prototype, we set a variable in the constructor of the AddressBook Class, but since all fire departments (in the US) have a uniquie Fire Department Id (fdid), I am using it for the index of the department=2E I place the department in a dictionary named "Departments" as follows (code deleted for brevity)=
--- Begin Code ---
class Arfs(SimpleItem):
"An Arfs Object"
def __init__(self, id, title):
self=2Eid =3D id
=09self=2Etitle =3D title
=09self=2EDepartments =3D {}
def __getitem__(self, fdid):
return self=2EDepartments[str(fdid)]=2E__of__(self)
def addDepartment(self, fdid,
department_name =3D '',
=09=09=09 REQUEST =3D None):
"Method to Add a Department to Arfs"
=09new_department =3D Department(fdid, department_name)
=09self=2EDepartments[str(fdid)] =3D new_department
=09if REQUEST is not None:
return self=2Eindex_html(self, REQUEST)
--- End Code ---
I expect to be able to go to http://localhost/Arfs/23005 to get the departmentDetails for Vilonia Fire & Rescue (my department), but I get the "Departments has an empty or missing Doc String" error=2E I know this is a long post (thanks for sticking with it this long!)=2E=2E=2Ebut do you see what I've missed? I've spent 2 days looking for it, but can't find it=2E Any help would be appreciated=
Also=2E=2E=2EI've been reading up on the CMF, and wonder if it would be applicable to an application where multiple users would be managing their departments=2E This would entail lots of forms and a database interface=2E Most, if not all of the CMF examples I have seen so far are sites to post articles; would I be well advised to look into CMF for my application=
Thanks for your time, and Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays :-) to all;
Captian Greg Lindstrom
Vilonia Fire & Rescue
Vilonia, Arkansas (USA)