[Zope] dir in Extensions

Thomas B. Passin tpassin@mitretek.org
Mon, 4 Feb 2002 17:28:31 -0500

[Tim Hicks]

> > Is it possible to create subdirectories of Zope/Extensions/ and use
> > the dir.file syntax to access their contents?
> As far as I remember, it is not possible to import modules from the
> Extensions directory (or any of its children I presume).  You need to put
> the modules somewhere else appropriate.  I use lib/python/Shared/<My
> Folder Name>/module.py

You do have to make sure they are on the python path used by your zope
python interpreter.  One way is to put the location into a .pth file.  This
has come up a few times on the list.


Tom P