[Zope] Re: Content Management Design Patterns
Sat, 9 Feb 2002 15:25:59 -0500
Hi Eron,
Sorry this went unanswered for so long. Just reading the lists is enough
to keep me hopping lately. When I asked Steve if he had replied to you,
we discovered that there had never even been a post about our book
on zope-announce! Check there for an _even_more_generalized_ blurb.
On 12/21/2001 Eron wrote:
> Does anyone have a recommendation for "best practices"
> for implementing complicated Web patterns like Session Tracking,
> Member Profile management (how to store the back-end data),
> Multi-cookie storage/retrieval, and "shopping cart" paradigms?
> I know that Zope (and specifically CMF) provides for these applications,
> but I'd like a resource on the core concepts & principles.
> I'm aware that New Riders is publishing another Zope book entitled
> "Zope: Web Application Development and Content Management",
> and could this be exactly what I'm looking for? Steve Spicklemire,
> would you mind whetting our appetites?
Well, the term "best practices" does show up in the book here and there...
Specifically, several of those topics are covered in advanced chapters
(section III), with a bias toward ZPatterns based solutions. As the Zope 3
"Components" model rolls out the ease of integrating Zope modules,
and related data, that were developed independently will likely improve.
At the time when our book was written, the use of techniques such as
ZPatterns seemed a most effective option. There is a detailed example of
merging a membership list with an E-Commrce tool (Steve's emarket) in
chapters 11, 12, and on integrating user authentication in chapter 13.
Regardless, time spent grokking just about any useful Zope/Python
technologies will yield a better understanding of the problem domains,
and how to render objectish solutions.
Thanks for the interest!
Jerry S.
(for Steve, Kevin & Kim too . . . )