[Zope] Re: Content Management Design Patterns
Graham Chiu
Sun, 17 Feb 2002 14:25:05 +1300
> At the time when our book was written, the use of
> techniques such as
> ZPatterns seemed a most effective option. There is a
> detailed example of
> merging a membership list with an E-Commrce tool (Steve's
> emarket) in
> chapters 11, 12, and on integrating user authentication
> in chapter 13.
Hi Jerry,
Perhaps it would be useful to indicate on the companion
website webdev.zopeonarope.com what no longer works under
2.5, and which parts that have been emphasized in the book
are no longer relevant.
I've been trying to follow Chapter 12, but find that emarket
is a broken product, and apparently from what you say above,
zpatterns is to be superceded soon.
Graham Chiu