[Zope] Zope-2.5.0-src + python2.1.2 + OpenBSD 3.0 don't work
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 17:40:04 -0500
At 3:58 PM -0500 2/15/02, Robin S. Socha wrote:
>So I followed Chris McDonough's advice and installed 2.1, and then
>2.1.2. Still no luck:
Did you actually get rid of 2.2? Things may be confused for some
reason. Instead of using:
python w_pcgi.py
to build Zope, try:
python2.1 w_pcgi.py
>Python 2.1.2 + Zope fresh from sources. The same two tarballs build and
>run on FreeBSD 4.5.
That would be expected if the FreeBSD installation has never had 2.2
on it while there is some residual confusion from the earlier install
on OpenBSD.
If it comes down to it, you can look at the Makefile in
Zope/lib/python and see where it thinks python is located, etc.
Good luck.
Richard Gordon
Gordon Design
Web Design/Database Development