[Zope] Re: Zope-2.5.0-src + python2.1.2 + OpenBSD 3.0 don't work
Robin S. Socha
Fri, 15 Feb 2002 17:53:45 -0500
* Anonymous Coward <richard@richardgordon.net> writes:
> At 3:58 PM -0500 2/15/02, Robin S. Socha wrote:
>>So I followed Chris McDonough's advice and installed 2.1, and then
>>2.1.2. Still no luck:
> Did you actually get rid of 2.2? Things may be confused for some
> reason. Instead of using: python w_pcgi.py to build Zope, try:
> python2.1 w_pcgi.py
Well, I'm rather dense at times, but I've got my system under
control. Yes, it was of course 2.1.2.
>>Python 2.1.2 + Zope fresh from sources. The same two tarballs build
>>and run on FreeBSD 4.5.
> That would be expected if the FreeBSD installation has never had 2.2
> on it while there is some residual confusion from the earlier install
> on OpenBSD.
As it turned out, it was indeed BSD tar vs GNU tar. Using gtar instead
"fixed" the problem. Now I have to find out why ZPhotoAlbum does not
appear in "Select type to add..." thingy. Happy happy joy joy...