[Zope] Simple Example problem: ZooExhibit ZClass
Derek Simkowiak
Tue, 26 Feb 2002 13:18:10 -0800 (PST)
-> > following "Site Error" page displayed to me as simple text -- that is, the
-> > HTML is not rendered by my browser, I actually see the raw HTML code in my
-> > right-side browser frame:
-> Try to export the content of your folder, make a TGZ or ZIP archive
-> and send it to me.
I'll be sending the Product (the ZooExhibit example from Chapter
12 of _The Zope Book_) and a .zexp of just an empty folder (where I have
tried, and failed, to add a "Zoo Exhibit" instance) to Dieter privately
within the next couple of hours. If anyone else is interested in looking
at it, please email me privately so I can send it to you.
And Dieter: Thanks for your help.