Ben Ocean
Wed, 02 Jan 2002 13:44:25 -0800
At 10:21 PM 1/2/02 +0100, you wrote:
> > Hi;
> > In building MySQL-python (so that I can get ZMySQLDA to work) I read the
> > following:
> >
> > Finally, putting it together:
> >
> > $ python setup.py build
> > # python setup.py install
> >
> > TIP: If you are using a binary package of Zope, you need run setup.py
> > with Zope's python executable. Otherwise, Zope (ZMySQLDA) will not
> > be able to find _mysql.
> >
> > What exactly does that tip say? Can someone write me an example line? What
> > is *Zope's python executable*?
>type 'locate python' or 'find / - name python' and 'which python'
Well, that tells me where the binary is...
>_mysql must be in the search path of the python which is started by Zope z2.py
>start script
>I didn't worry about this since my python is /usr/lib/python and _mysql is in
>/usr/lib/python (/site-packages)
Well, the python installation is in
/usr/local/lib/python blah blah
and site-packages is in there, so I guess it should work...but it doesn't.
The MySQLDA module throws the error of not being able to import the MySQL
module. What do?