[Zope] Running Zope as a daemon (sp?) on Linux.
Dieter Maurer
Wed, 31 Jul 2002 23:07:28 +0200
Alec Munro writes:
> First time running Zope on Linux, and I've created a user solely for the
> purpose of running Zope. This user is called "zope". I'm not great with
> Linux, so there's probably something very simple I'm missing. I want to
> have Zope be run by this user every time the machine starts. I can SSH
> in to the machine as user "zope" and start Zope, and as long as the SSH
> connection is open, Zope runs. But how would I set something up so Zope
> would run as this user all the time.
You should learn something about your Linux' boot process.
It varies a bit from distribution to distribution.
On my Linux (SuSE 7.3), the boot process looks into "/etc/init.d/rc<runlevel>.d"
for startup scripts. These are shell scripts with names of the form
"Sddname" (where "d" represents a digit). The boot process calls them
with a parameter "start". They are called in the order induced by "dd".
They are run as user "root".
When you put something in like:
cd <your_zope_dir>
su - -c "nohup start &" zope
it will start Zope as user "zope".
"runlevel" is usually either "2" or "3". Which one depends on which
runlevel your system is booted.
Read your Linux documentation for details.