[Zope] What causes the community to stall so often?
Oleg Broytmann
Oleg Broytmann <phd@phd.pp.ru>
Sat, 9 Mar 2002 01:58:54 +0300
On Fri, Mar 08, 2002 at 10:50:55PM +0100, Lennart Regebro wrote:
> From: "Oleg Broytmann" <phd@phd.pp.ru>
> > That because you manage only one computer.
> 1. No I don't. Don't make assumptions about people you know nothing about.
I don't. During my life I saw it many times - beginner sysdmins do
configure-make a lot. Experienced (and busy) sysadmins use ready-made
packages - RPM/DEB/PKG on Linux (and Solaris), ports on *BSD.
> 2. The more computers you manage the less hassle it is. If you install Zope
> once and only once, you may start with looking for an RPM. In that case it's
> a drawback that there isn't one, since you are looking for it. But once you
> have installed Zope one time, you will then know how easy it is, and the
> next
> installation takes no time at all.
But Zope is not easy to install. I must:
1. Recompile python with threads and all neccessary modules.
2. Install MySQL, MySQLdb and ZMySQLDA (or Postgres and its DA).
3. Install and run Zope.
4. Modify system's startup scripts.
5. Setup Data.fs (import Products and ZClasses, configure, etc).
6. Modify Apache's config (to make it connect to Zope).
Ready-made binary packages with all interdependencies make it MUCH
simpler and faster.
> From: "Derek Simkowiak" <dereks@realloc.net>
> > RPM is system-wide version control. 'Pristine' sources.
> How can it be more pristine that getting the source from the manufacturer
> and compiling it?
Because I need to get sources from a dozen of developer sites and
compile them in a compatible manner. RMP/DEB automate these tasks. What is
more, someone (Debian developers, as I personnaly use Debian GNU/Linux)
already tested their compatibility, and provided neccessary binary and
configuration files.
> > A way to CLEANLY uninstall something.
> As said before: rm -r does that for Zope. And it only depends on you having
> the correct version of Python.
No. You have to unmodify system startup scripts (at least).
Oleg Broytmann http://www.zope.org/Members/phd/ phd@phd.pp.ru
Programmers don't die, they just GOSUB without RETURN.