Zope 2.5.0 RPMS was Re: [Zope] What causes the community to stall so often?

Adam Manock abmanock@earthlink.net
Sat, 09 Mar 2002 11:16:13 -0500

At 06:59 AM 3/9/02, Dieter Maurer wrote:
>Adam Manock writes:
>  > In the spirit of scratching your own itch, I have built an RPM set for 
> Zope
>  > 2.5.0 that "works on my machine" :-)
>Congratulations and thank!
>However, we know that Zope 2.5.0 contains a serious bug that may
>lead to memory corruption and nasty crashes. A 2.5.1 RPM would
>probably be more helpful.

I built these RPMS to be simple and maintainable, it shouldn't take me long 
to package up 2.5.1 when it gets out of beta. Personally, I wasn't planning 
to deploy 2.5.0 in production, I'm planning on waiting and rolling out 
2.5.1 instead. I built 2.5.0 RPMS strictly to aid in deployment of Zope to 
test / dev boxes. If anyone really needs a source rpm of 2.5.1b1 I'd be 
happy to build it for them, all you gotta do is ask :-)

Another kind community member is going to cast a second set of eyes over 
the 2.5.0 RPM, as I don't exactly trust any package that hasn't been QA'd 
by at least two people, even if I did build it myself ;-)

Eventually I'd like to see Zope Corp throw a the necessary scripts, readme 
and spec into the Zope source tree so that a CVS checkout of a tarball 
followed by a rpmbuild -ta TARBALL is all you would need to do to build new 
Zope rpms. Zope Corp doesn't need to maintain the stuff, although that 
would be nice. If the community maintainer(s) were informed of changes 
affecting the RPM build, like the access --> inituser change, and were in 
the loop about release target dates, etc, they could have rpms built in 
time for the release.
