Zope 2.5.0 RPMS was Re: [Zope] What causes the community to
stall so often?
Paul Everitt
Wed, 13 Mar 2002 07:04:12 -0500
Yes, once someone feels they have the right recipe, we can add it to our
default build process.
I propose that we take this item to the next step by peeling it out of
this thread, taking it over to the dormant zope-packagers list, and
ironing out the details:
I'll also note that Matt Behrens has signed up for a proposal that
revisits the installation process, to be looked at for Zope 2.6.
Adam Manock wrote:
> At 06:59 AM 3/9/02, Dieter Maurer wrote:
>> Adam Manock writes:
>> > In the spirit of scratching your own itch, I have built an RPM set
>> for Zope
>> > 2.5.0 that "works on my machine" :-)
>> Congratulations and thank!
>> However, we know that Zope 2.5.0 contains a serious bug that may
>> lead to memory corruption and nasty crashes. A 2.5.1 RPM would
>> probably be more helpful.
> I built these RPMS to be simple and maintainable, it shouldn't take me
> long to package up 2.5.1 when it gets out of beta. Personally, I wasn't
> planning to deploy 2.5.0 in production, I'm planning on waiting and
> rolling out 2.5.1 instead. I built 2.5.0 RPMS strictly to aid in
> deployment of Zope to test / dev boxes. If anyone really needs a source
> rpm of 2.5.1b1 I'd be happy to build it for them, all you gotta do is
> ask :-)
> Another kind community member is going to cast a second set of eyes over
> the 2.5.0 RPM, as I don't exactly trust any package that hasn't been
> QA'd by at least two people, even if I did build it myself ;-)
> Eventually I'd like to see Zope Corp throw a the necessary scripts,
> readme and spec into the Zope source tree so that a CVS checkout of a
> tarball followed by a rpmbuild -ta TARBALL is all you would need to do
> to build new Zope rpms. Zope Corp doesn't need to maintain the stuff,
> although that would be nice. If the community maintainer(s) were
> informed of changes affecting the RPM build, like the access -->
> inituser change, and were in the loop about release target dates, etc,
> they could have rpms built in time for the release.
> Adam
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