[Zope] Re: What causes the community to stall so often?

Danny William Adair danny@adair.net
Tue, 12 Mar 2002 09:38:04 +1300

> On Sunday 10 March 2002 9:43 pm, Terry Hancock wrote:
> >             (e.g. why not represent
> >             "sequence" as a Python class with "item", "index"
> >             attributes and/or "odd()" "even()" methods).
> Hmm, this sounds familiar.... how well did you look at ZPT exactly?
> >             (for example), instead of the ridiculous
> >             work-around:
> >
> >             _.getitem('sequence-item').absolute_url()
> Not pretty, is it?  Glad I don't use DTML any more.  ZPT is nice and clean.

For the sake of completeness, I would just like to add that the "hyphen 
problem" has been identified quite a while ago, and "sequence-item" has been 
kept for comptatibility reasons only. Instead of getting rid of it totally, a 
"prefix" attribute has been added to the in-tag (and all variables used 
there), so that you can do stuff like

<dtml-in mysequence prefix="loop">
  <dtml-if loop_start>
    <dtml-var "dosomethingwith(loop_item)">
    <dtml-var loop_var_thisisavariableofthecurrentsequenceitem>

which also allows easy implementation of nested loops (different prefixes).

I find it alright to have and keep the choice of two approaches (DTML/ZPT) as 
long as the mere existence of the one doesn't negatively influence the 
performance or whatever of the other (which is not the case here).

For the same reason I appreciate it that ZClasses still exist:
If you don't need'em, don't use'em.

I would find it quite a hard task to decide what to keep and what to chuck, 
and imho ZC did quite a good job up til now. The "big step" incorporating at 
least most of the prior experiences in the development of Zope is not far 
away after all (Zope 3).
