[Zope] URGENT -Version Blow-Up
Oliver Bleutgen
Sun, 12 May 2002 14:29:05 +0200
Dan Shafer wrote:
> I have managed to get myself into a gnarly position from which I cannot
> find an escape route. The site I'm building is currently absolutely
> unusable as a result.
> I was making extensive changes to a page, so I created a version (called
> "adding scripts" -- notice the space, which I think may be a culprit
> here). I started using the version, made the changes to the page in
> question, saved changes, tested the page and, after a few more tweaks,
> got it where I wanted it.
> So I went to the version page figuring I'd commit the changes. It said
> there were no unsaved changes. I stopped using the version and when I
> went back to the ZMI, the changed page had a version lock on it and
> there was no unlocked/original version of the page showing up. That's
> when I noticed that even though I had quit using the version in
> question, the page still showed that I was using it.That's also when I
> noticed that the top of the page that showed what version I was using
> called the version simply "adding" rather than "adding scripts." After
> several more start using - stop using sequences, I could not get out of
> this morass.
> I restarted the Zope server. No effect.
> I quit using the version and deleted the version object. I know, bad
> move, but I did not receive a warning from Zope about this. It just
> happily deleted the version, an action which I later found out was
> undoable.
> So now Zope thinks I am working in a non-existent version and it won't
> let me use the site past a certain point (even though the process I'm
> testing with doesn't even use the changed page). I get a version lock
> error.
> This is clearly a Catch-22. Is there any way out of this? This is the
> first thing I've run into in the ZMI that seems to me just not to work
> very well or to be documented clearly or something. I've used versions
> in the past successfully, and this just has me bewildered. And my client
> very angry.
> HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
Dan, first, backup your Data.fs.
Second, I only can repeat something out of my memory, cause I don't have
access to a zope ATM. But I see several things you can do:
- In the control panel, there's also the possibility to save/discard
versions, take a look there.
- You can always (re-)create a version you need, because zope identifies
versions only from their path, so recreating the a version with the
right idea might be a possibility.
- Entering version just means sending the right cookie, so you can write
your own method which sends the cookie in order to enter that version.
So, maybe entering that version and doing copy&paste might be a last resort.
- Maybe importing/exporting might be possible, though I don't know if
(how) it's possible to export versioned data.