[Zope] Using Zope to generate offline content
Christoph Schmitz
Mon, 13 May 2002 09:12:55 +0200 (MEST)
Hi all,
I wonder if anyone uses Zope to generate "offline" content; what I mean is,
I'd like to use Zope to manage content, generate navigation stuff and the
like, but my ISP only offers static HTML pages. Thus, the idea is to export a
Zope site to static HTML pages and publish those. (Actually, I'm looking for a
replacement for the Website Meta Language (WML).)
My question is: what kind of problems arise in that situation? Obviously,
you won't be able to use dynamic features like database access or dtml-trees.
Is there any Product that allows me to export a whole subtree of my Zope
instance into HTML files? Of course, one could use wget to crawl the Zope
instance, but then absolute links etc. would break, etc...
Advice anyone?
Thanks, Christoph
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