[Zope] automatic dtml-methods
John Hunter
Mon, 13 May 2002 09:16:59 -0500
>>>>> "dorian" =3D=3D dorian santner <dsantner@datasolutions.at> writes:
dorian> How can i use " " in FieldChangeitem_body ?
Use the python '%' operator with slash quoted single quotes. Below I
use 'dtml-let' rather than 'dtml-in' for demo, but I think this does
what you want:
<dtml-let myid=3D"'jdh'">
<dtml-call "manage_addDTMLMethod(
id=3D'FormField%sChange' % myid,
title=3D'Anzeige f=FCr add und change',
file=3D'<input type=3Dtext name=3D\'%s\' value=3D%s>' % (myid, myid)