[Zope] "To: undisclosed recipient;:" when sending mail through a script !!!

Gilles Lenfant gilles@objectis.net
Mon, 13 May 2002 15:22:44 +0200


My app sends mail through a python script like this...

body =3D "blah blah body"
title =3D "blah blah title"
mh =3D container.mailhost_list()[0]
mh.send(body, mto=3D'me@somedomain.com',
  subject=3Dtitle, encoding=3D'quoted-printable')
return 'OK'

This works but the mail has not the excepted "to" header and shows...

"To: undisclosed-recipients: ;"

This is pretty unfair in the mail client.

Did I miss something to have the "mto" parameter of the .send() method =
in the "To:" header of the mail ?

Thanks in advance
