[Zope] Easy my *$%&#@$%!
Peter Bengtsson
Fri, 31 May 2002 09:58:26 +0100
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>Be honest now - how many of you saying "python is really easy to learn"
>or equivalent here recently would have said that when you first started
>using it?
Not me. I thought the idea of indentation sounded strange but I was keen on
getting started with Zope and hence I had to accept the indentation and
that stuff.
>I'm not a newbie to programming, and I find python quite cryptic and
>confusing, especially all those mysterious underscores and 'self' and
>'context' and mandatory indentation and so on and on. And then there's
>trying to understand and use it in/with Zope.
syntax wise you'll learn it fully in a couple of hours. Trust me. You'll
notice that you picked up this language much quicker than you picked up any
language before. Just give it a go and you'll see.
_underscores are often overly used in python by developers who don't
understand to use it carefully.
self. is tricky yes. When you start integrating your python skills into
zope be careful because self can there mean two different things: "self" of
python OO syntax and "self" of Zope passing a object as first parameter.
It'll get very clear after a little while.
>I'm sure it'll get better for me.
>And, I *sure* am tired of people who already know it well saying over
>and over again how easy it is...for *them*, 'cause it's not for me.
>There, I feel much better now.
>John S.
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