[Zope] Is Zope the answer?
Peter Bengtsson
Mon, 14 Oct 2002 23:41:53 +0100
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From experience with several other alternatives Zope is probably the best
option you can get.
Less pre-developed alternatives is maybe better if you want to feel more in
Zope will be a money-saver for you.
Be warned. Zope is a pretty vast system and you might need to learn it more
before you start than you do with PHP. The worst thing that can happen is
that you'll have to redesign some things. Luckily, rewriting code is not a
problem since it's using Python and a brillant OO structure.
At 18:44 2002-10-14 +0100, Steve Purkiss wrote:
>I've been asked to do some more development on a London night clubbing site
>I wrote a while ago - http://www.belugablues.com
>It was the first site I wrote in PHP (using Java before until I saw how much
>easier PHP was) and so the code is not the best.
>I might rewrite from scratch, but I'm also considering rewriting it using a
>framework or CMS as a base and was wondering if any of you good people could
>advise whether using Zope would be a "good thing" - and if not then any
>other recommendations welcome. I've been looking through all the ones on
>http://www.cmsinfo.org and am just getting more confused. I want to find a
>system I can work with on more than just this one project. I developed a
>site using PostNuke, but the design of this site is quite tight and wouldn't
>fit into PN very well - different world.
>Current Features of the site:
>* Event management systems so staff can add an event which users of the site
>can book free guest list places on - a guest list is automatically built so
>staff can print it off before the event.
>* General content management system for news, advertising, and page
>* Membership system so people can sign up to the site
>* Email list function so staff can mail the whole list or subsections of the
>list (i.e.. depending on when their birthday is)
>* Photo Gallery
>Requested features:
>* HTML email (ya boo :) with direct links to book guest list places
>* Enable for multiple countries & cities
>* Remove initial login page so people don't have to sign up until they want
>to book something (as I suggested they did in the first place...)
>* Expand booking system to include hotels, cars, yachts & apartments. This
>won't be all online, but simply a form which requests start and end dates
>for booking the items then the rest is done manually.
>Hope the list doesn't mind me asking this - I've done as much research as I
>can without asking. Any advice would be most gratefully appreciated. I'm not
>afraid to learn new stuff, I just don't want to end up choosing the wrong
>Zope maillist - Zope@zope.org
>** No cross posts or HTML encoding! **
>(Related lists -
> http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-announce
> http://lists.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope-dev )
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